
ID #1016

What are the different user types?

There are currently 3 types of users in Vesica:

  1. Owner - This is the user who owns the account and can do everything, including editing / updating the payment information and upgrading / downgrading the account.
  2. Administrator - This user has the same privileges as the owner of the account. However, this user does not have the ability to close the account.
  3. Manager - This user can manage collections, pieces and other users, but does not have access to the billing section.
  4. Documenter - This user can only access the piece / object and collection sections and cannot access the billing or user management areas.

In future releases, user access can be restricted to specific pieces and sections thereof.

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    Last update: 2012-04-28 20:52
    Author: Asif Nawaz
    Revision: 1.1

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