
ID #1026

How do I revoke a user's access?

To revoke a user's access from your Vesica account, please do the following:

1. Sign in to your account on

2. Once you are signed in, please click on settings on the menu across the top.

3. On the settings page, you will see a button for "Manage Users" towards the right side of the screen. Click on it.

4. Once on the Users page, you will see a list of all users who currently have access to those account and pending invitations for users who have not yet accepted them to gain access to your account.

5. To remove any of the users from your account, just click the "Remove" button next to the user.

Please note that an account owner cannot be deleted and other users can only revoke access for users that are below the user in the permissions heirarchy. For example, an account administrator can revoke access for a manager and documenter but not for another administrator and A manager or documenter cannot revoke access for an administrator. 

Tags: revoke access, user permissions, Vesica users

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Last update: 2011-05-24 17:46
Author: Asif Nawaz
Revision: 1.0

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