Archives records: June 2011
Vesica joins AIM and BAFM
We are pleased to announce that Vesica is now part of the Association of Independent Museums in the UK and the British Association of Friends of Museums. These memberships come as part of our larger plan to integrate with the heritage, culture and museum communities in Britain and to help, wherever and however we can, […]
Detailed Report Printing with Vesica
The weekend’s release has added some powerful object / piece level report printing functionality to Vesica. The report is generated in an HTML format, so you an easily print it to a PDF of paste it into a Word document and edit to your heart’s content. We’re also working on an export to word feature, […]
In the game of browsers, Chrome Wins @ Vesica
Over the last few days we’ve released several updates to the platform, with the result that we’ve been testing vigorously across all the latest browsers. Whilst Vesica works in Firefox 3.5 and 4, Opera 10+, IE 8 and 9, Safari 5 and Chrome 11 along with most tablet PC browsers, Chrome reigns supreme (at least […]
К сожалению, здесь нет записей.